Monday, 14 December 2015

While everything is still possibility and happiness

I have survived the gauntlet of interviews between Thanksgiving and Finals. Here is the semester's end recap.

  • Nice long phone interview for a full time lecturer position at Indiana University, Bloomington. Felt good at the time, but it's been more than a month since I've heard anything. So whatever.
  • Skype interview with an interesting, but remote, school in the mountains. Went well enough that they're asking for my references. Haven't heard anything since.
  • Phone interview with a school that had been #1 on my list, but the interview was less than perfect. I feel like my answers were all ok, but they harped on my being an adjunct and on my not having specifically taught cinematography before. They're also having trouble replacing their program director so I feel like they have enough turmoil that I can console myself if I don't get a second interview.
  • Phone interview with a school down south that went fine except I'm not all that interested in them. They seem to only want someone who will come down and teach 4 sections per semester of their intro course. When I asked about what other skills they might like the new person to have they said, oh you know, maybe you'll cover sabbaticals from time to time. Even if that's a fantastic class doing nothing else would be boring.
  • Campus interview with a school that wants someone to take students over seas to make films every summer. That felt like it went very well. (Not the first time I've come back from a campus feeling that way only to have it not work out.) The chair said he's hoping the committee will get together this week even though finals have finished for them by now so that he can make an offer before Christmas. Though if that is too optimistic then it'll be early January.
  • Campus interview with a well respected private school that also felt good. I got an unofficial "everyone was very impressed today" at dinner after. But that doesn't really mean anything. They have one more person flying in today for a last interview tomorrow. But their dean is requiring them to reconvene on Wednesday and give her a decision.
So wait and see. If nothing else I've had a very productive year. Now I just need to get through all my finals grading and then I can have a month off from thinking about any of this. 

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