Friday, 5 April 2013

That went well

I am not going to jinx myself by making any assumptions, but I had all three of my interviews and I feel like they went very well. Really, I would be a good candidate for them; I've got experience but I am also willing to work for peanuts. They pay weekly, but I bet if you worked it out hourly it's not much better than minimum wage. A couple of them asked why I put Teaching Assistant as my first choice when my other choices pay slightly better. The answer I told them was the absolute truth: I have something to offer, but there will also be tons to learn. The job editing students' work or the other job in the marketing department producing videos for the website are variations of things I've done. They're getting teachers in with real Hollywood experience and I've never had a chance to work with people like that before. It's the nut I've never managed to crack. So even if I only sort of break even on the summer because I'll have to pay for housing, I think I will professionally come out way ahead. Can't make any assumptions. You never have the job until you've signed the I9. I will keep looking and talking to people and such. But I think I have a good shot at this. And I think it will be exhausting and fantastic if I get it.