I registered for classes this morning. Next semester I'll be taking Production II, Thesis Preparation (I've no idea what that'll be about), Advanced Directing, and Cinematography. I think that's going to be a lot of fun.
In the meantime though I have to get through the second half of this semester. I have this weird feeling today of being ready and at the same time being sure it's all going to fly and I'll be rushing through everything. I still need to write up/sort out what I'm going to say for my presentation next week, but I finished all the reading for it so it's just a matter of getting my head together and I'm feeling good about that. This afternoon I finished reading the book I need to give a report on for Acting. So I have to write that up, but am largely ready for it. So most of what's left for the next 6 weeks is doing stuff rather than passively receiving stuff (if you know what I mean). That's great, I like doing. But a few of the things to do - particularly writing the ghost tours script, and producing the final project for Production 1 - are things I would have taken more than 6 weeks on even if they were the only thing I was doing.
I was talking to Debbie yesterday and said the best thing about school has been the concentrated creativity. In 3 and a half months I'll have created 2 scripts and 3 very short films (plus written a couple of papers and watched a ton of movies). I love not having a job. When I was working full time I would spend twice as long and get only one of those things done.
Here's a picture of what the spring will look like. I'll need Thursday off just to recover from Wednesday I think. Poor Blue. I'm glad I live close enough that I can get home for a quick walk at lunch.
There you go with that early Monday and late Friday schedule... Really, how are you supposed to go anywhere on the weekends?