I think by now everyone knows about Louis Armstrong. I
promise I won’t bore you with every picture I’ve taken over the past 7 days,
but I do have some highlights for you. I tried to put together a video, but I
find it impossible to get him in frame with my phone for more than a couple of
seconds at a time.
Riding in the car. Coming home from the kennel was certainly
the first car ride he had and 85 miles in the back roads of Maine was not
really conducive. He threw up 3 times in 2 hours. Since then we take the mile
trip back and forth to school every day and he’s much happier in the car than
he was at first.
He spends a lot of time sleeping at work, though not usually
in his bed.
There’s also a bit of running around at work. My office has
a little porch and then a bit of lawn before the parking lot.
I’m not very good at selfies. I always have to concentrate
too hard to get the phone pointed in the right direction.
They say you shouldn’t let them up on the furniture until
they’re fully trained, but the whole point of getting him was so that I could
toooooo cute. I can't wait to meet him. (k2)