Thursday, 29 August 2013

You never really know

School starts next week. I'll be taking a writing class again. A) it's a stretch and that's good for me. B) I love Debbie and wanted an excuse to take a class with her again. I haven't really written anything in a while though so here's a little warm up exercise I did.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Back in Maine

I got invited back to the Workshops in Maine to teach an advanced editing class. This time I'm trying to make a point of actually seeing things a little bit. They put me in another gorgeous house. This time I'm in the village of Rockport. The workshops themselves are sort of half way between Rockport and Camden, though when I biked in this morning it's less than 2 miles.

Have some photos.

Monday, 5 August 2013

The final report

It was a great week, but I will admit it took a lot out of me. I barely left the couch all day Sunday even though it was a beautiful day.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Friday was FANTASTIC

I just wish I'd had my laptop with me so I could have typed it up while I ate dinner or something, while it was all still fresh in my head. Because I feel like now no matter what I write it won't truly capture the energy and buzz I had going yesterday.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Workshops today

Today was 2 workshops and a trip to the airport and no actual films. The workshops were very good though.

Our Screening

Yay!!! We had our screening last night.