Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Printing a Shirt

It was raining and nasty today and all I really wanted was to stay in bed with the dog, a cup of tea, and the screenplay I've been working on. Sadly that was not an option. On the other hand, I was wildly productive today.

We watched 3 films in Masterworks today. 2 newsreels from the late 60s and Midnight Cowboy. I'll be interested to hear what he says about why we watched Midnight Cowboy. Apart from it being a clear example of the Code no longer being in effect I'm not really sure what makes it important.

In the afternoon I had a meeting with Charles to get some paperwork signed. And then a meeting with the Risk Management office to get the same paperwork signed by them. And then a meeting with SAG (the Screen Actors Guild) to turn in that paperwork. (And be told that the two copies need to both be originals so I'll need all those signatures again. Sigh.)

After SAG I went back to campus and had a meeting with my professor from Masterworks to get feedback on my presentation and discuss the paper that's due in 2 weeks.Presentation: Good Job. For the paper he says to pick one of the Wexler's films and do a "deep contextual analysis" of it. Since there's not been a lot written I'm free to do my own analysis. And I said, Ok, great. Then I rode home trying to decide if I know what it means to do a deep contextual analysis. I've got 2 weeks to figure that out. I'm so not an academic in that sense. I just want to make films, and later teach people about cameras and lights and such.

Between meetings I managed to finish the first draft of Ghost Tours. It's very rough and first draft-y but I have about 3 weeks to get it in better shape. And even then, I want it to be as good as it can be for Debbie, but also it's not like I'm not allowed to keep working on it after this class ends.

By the end of the day I had biked about 7 miles in the pouring rain and was quite happy to be home with big fluffy dry socks. But still not done with work. I finished re-editing my 2nd film for production after getting feedback in yesterday's class. So here it is finally: Printing a Shirt. The assignment was a 2-4 minute "documentary" about a person or process. We recorded the sound separately from the visual (i.e. different days) and then married them up in post. And we weren't allowed to color correct so he could assess how well we're getting on with the cameras.

1 comment:

  1. Very fun! You should give it to Jim for Christmas :)
