Sunday, 29 May 2016

Official start of the season

The start of the season not because it's a holiday weekend, but because I finally got my boat in the water.

I want that little house some day when I'm very wealthy.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


... or why I haven't mowed the lawn yet.

There's a nice sized patch of these along the side by the pine trees.

Here's a bee for scale. See, I can't mow, the flowers are still being used.

Neighbors down the road have some pretty weeds as well.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

I never get tired of low tide sunsets

I went to Rock Harbor for my thing for the day. And I had more than one shot I loved so it gets its own post. If you're bored with my sunset photos then you can skip this one.

Also there were horseshoe crabs mating. I've never seen that before.